Teachers need to have excellent time management skills to make it through their daily routines. At any given moment, a hundred things need to be done, and a teacher knows the priority of those tasks.

Still, finding that balance and getting into the groove of things can be difficult, especially for newer teachers. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the best of the time you have available.

Set Priorities

As hinted at above, different tasks have different priority levels. It’s essential to group these various tasks from most important to least important and handle them accordingly. This allows for the most urgent tasks to get done quickly while leaving a bit of room for surprises.

Organizing tasks by priority can help to reduce stress and anxiety while neatly organizing a day. However, it’s essential to also include breaks and other pauses throughout this priority list.

Make a List

Now that the priorities have been set, it is time to make a list. Or, for those that are more list-oriented, go ahead and skip straight to this step. When writing a list, include everything that needs to get done. This can be done daily or weekly, depending on the tasks being dealt with. However, keep in mind that having a master list for the week can be extremely beneficial. Finally, don’t forget to add new items to the list as they come up!

Use Resources Available to You

Many parts of teaching are both critical and laborious. Such as the creation of lessons and assignments. While teachers can (and should) customize lessons for their students, there are plenty of resources available to help jumpstart the process, such as fellow teachers, previous years, and online resources.

Creating Samples

Sometimes when handing out a new assignment, teachers find it easier to have a sample ready (especially if their students are younger). These samples can be made ahead of time – and ideally should be stored once the assignment is done. There is no reason to have to create a new model the following year if the project stays the same.

Planners Are Your Friend

A yearly planner is worth its weight in gold. Planners can help keep track of everything a teacher needs, from lesson plans to calendar events and everything in between. Better yet, there are so many planner options available these days, so it isn’t challenging to find the right one for your needs.